Unconventional Coaching

Energizing the relationships in your life
June 22, 2015
2:42 pm

Trusting Myself »

  I was in the ER some years ago–in a cubicle with my friend, Jane, who was having seizures. (She was soon to be diagnosed with  brain cancer). As I stood there helpless, watching the nurse work on her, my friend’s husband stormed in and yelled that he wanted me out of there. I barely […]
October 17, 2012
6:59 pm

Hold On to Yourself »

Took this picture of my shoes the other day. I was out for an early morning walk in a lovely space–the air was quiet and clear. And, after a while, so were my thoughts. It’s just so important to stand on my own two feet. To hold on to myself. To walk at my own […]