Unconventional Coaching

Energizing the relationships in your life
September 19, 2013
6:21 pm
Long-term Relationships

Has Sex Moved To The Back Burner Of Your Relationship? »

So you’re in a relatively good relationship–been there a long time. But the juice is gone. Sex is only on the edges of your life. All the excuses are there. Well-worn territory. Want to get it flowing again? Here’s one small, sweet exercise that can take you to the land of possibility. Over a glass […]
May 16, 2013
9:35 am
Long-term Relationships

The Endless Conversation: 2-second Shortcut to Sanity »

Ever feel like you are getting nowhere in a conversation with your long-term partner or friend? It’s the same subject over and over.  They can’t seem to stop talking about it, and everything you say in support just seems to expand their comments. They just keep talking. Example: Asking my husband a question can be […]
March 19, 2013
9:17 pm
Long-term Relationships

Staying Current »

As you cruise through your facebook or twitter every night and/or morning, have you noticed that often there isn’t much that grabs you? It is almost like, “Why bother?”  Yet you still do it. But then you have times when every post is meaningful–you are shifting from post to article to response and back. Your […]
October 17, 2012
7:11 pm
Long-term Relationships

Feeling Bored in Your Relationship? One Surprising Thing to Try »

It’s so easy to feel discontented in a long-term relationship. We know all the bad stuff about our partner. The irritations can seems enormous. We  can feel misunderstood, criticized, underappreciated. This can happen to both men and women, though it may be expressed in different ways. I see it in my coaching practice–people who genuinely […]