Unconventional Coaching

Energizing the relationships in your life

October 17, 2012

Hold On to Yourself

Took this picture of my shoes the other day. I was out for an early morning walk in a lovely space–the air was quiet and clear. And, after a while, so were my thoughts.

It’s just so important to stand on my own two feet. To hold on to myself. To walk at my own pace and feel my own joy.

I love to connect with others. I do it for a living. Some of my richest times come from working with my clients and seeing them change and their relationships improve.


I love connecting with my husband and my friends in so many ways.


I cannot do either of these things if I am not connected deeply to myself.

David Schnarch, in his classic book, Passionate Marriage, talks about how we need to have this relationship with ourselves – to develop our own interior support – so that we can be even more alive in our close relationships.

Are you holding on to yourself in your relationships? How?


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